Demo Blog

Information Management Technologies

The bridge between data and decisisons

Welcome to the IMT Open Page

This collection of repo organizations helps you get started in using IMT's tools and solutions. There are eight main repositories.

Tools and Use Cases

These organizations provide on-going products of tools, solutions, as well as their implementation in addressing real-world problems.

Integrated and Supporting Open Tools

Open source tools and libraries are essential to support with data flow and investigation. These are either closely integrated with IMT tools, or can be used in conjunction with them. Once analysis and reporting are completed, web tools and frameworks are used to get them into the audiences' hands.

Research and Test Code

Data can come from a variety of places, but good quality data is hard to obtain. The organizations below tier project data for different purposes. Test code is necessary to ensure you are using tools, correctly. Project code provides calibration for real-world scenarios. Once testing is completed, research projects can provide context and comparison to the projects that are of more immediate interest.

Support or Contact

Would you liket to learn more? Check out our corporate site or contact support